
V I S I O N  &  M I S S I O N

"That we would develop, nurture and encourage all Women to know Christ, grow in Faith and make Him known."

"Our vision is to create opportunities for Women to come to know Jesus Christ, to be mentored in their Christian walk and to provide a safe place for Women to connect and cultivate Christian friendships."

Further information, please contact dpcwomens@discoverypointeaz.com
"She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come"
Proverbs 31:25

S P R I N G   2 0 2 4   G R O U P S

Morning Ladies Bible Study
Wednesday Mornings at 10:15am at Discovery Pointe Church | Child-care as needed
March 6th - April 10th
"In the Footsteps of the Savior" by Max Lucado
Cost of Workbook $16
Contact Julie 623.824.2174 | azjlem7@gmail.com

Evening Ladies Bible Study
2nd & 4th Thursdays at Discovery Pointe Church | Child-care available
February - May
Taking a deep dive into the "Fruit of the Spirit". Focusing on Fruit of the Spirit each month for 2024
Cost $15
Contact Sharon 623-203-5548 | sharon@discoverypointeaz.com or
Heather 623-293-6408 | hcleal@yahoo.com

DPC Women's Coffee Group
Meets Wednesday mornings at 9am at Panera Bread on Lake Pleasant & Happy Valley | No Childcare
Ladies coffee & prayer
Contact Pam | 219-819-0684
Contact Pepper | 719-201-8968

U P C O M I N G   W O M E N ' S   E V E N T S